Tickets $10; Students with ID $5
Discussion with the playwright and leading campus academics following
Mr. Darwin’s Tree, the acclaimed British one-man play about the life and work of Charles Darwin, will be performed April 23, 2016 at Point Loma Nazarene University’s Salomon Theatre. Produced by Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford (SCIO), the UK subsidiary of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), and sponsored by Point Loma Nazarene University’s Science and Religion Club, the play aims to enhance the conversation on science and religion.
Mr. Darwin’s Tree presents a very human and very real Charles Darwin, one who wrestled with the challenges that his theories posed for traditional beliefs. It also presents Darwin’s wife, Emma, as an intelligent and articulate representative of Christian faith. In doing so, the play rejects the ‘straw man’ effigies of Darwin presented by both his extreme protagonists and antagonists, providing the opportunity for lively engagement, thoughtful conversations, and fresh explorations.
Please purchase tickets ($10) online at https://commerce.cashnet.com/BIOLOGY (select "Darwin's Tree"). Students ($5) may purchase tickets in the PLNU biology department office of Rohr Science. Learn more about the play at: www.mrdarwinstree.com or http://www.scio-uk.org. Any questions - contact LeAnne Elizondo at Lelizondo@pointloma.edu 619-849-2205 or April Maskiewicz at aprilmaskiewicz@pointloma.edu.
Funds received from tickets will enhance our new Science & Religion Club.
We hope you'll join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity. More Information regarding sponsors, etc. Mr. Darwins Tree Newsletter